Random Rant!!

Today is Tuesday which means that its trash day. I tell myself every week that I’m going ro gather up all those papers from like middle school and high school and throw them away but for some odd reason I’m always trying to convince myself that I will need it one day. The weirdest thing is that I usually forget about it and it just in a bin…in my closet….for months. Today I actually went and threw all the papers out and I have to say that I am very proud of myself. it was a very hard thing for me to do but I will live. The lesson that I’ve learned is this stop being a hoarder, its not cute. Don’t get it twisted though, I may have kept all those papers but they was very organized and everything was clean. I’m not that type of hoarder.

Day 8 of my 31 day challenge complete!

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Age: 19 Birthday : May 18 ,1996 Interest: Singing, Dancing, Writing, Sleeping Favorite Food: Mac N Cheese Favorite Color: Red, Black, White and Gray Favorite Movie: Love & Basketball Favorite Book/s: Drama High Series By L. Divine Favorite Song (Right Now): Little More By Chris Brown Favorite Blog/s: Dream Career: Zumba Instructor , Natural Hair Stylist , Nail Tech Can I Cook?: Of Course I love food. Siblings: Yes. I have 7. Favorite TV Show: Jane The Virgin

8 thoughts on “Random Rant!!”

  1. I have papers from middle school and high school too. Every time I clean my room, I neatly stack them up and place them in my closet. I have no use for them, but they had so much memories. Hopefully one day I find the strengthen to throw them out.


    1. I have a designated folder and I put all the work in there that I am for sure never going to throw out , like my old report cards, drawings , book reports etc…but the other ones I’m like “You know what you already learned this and it has to be somewhere in my head I’m just going to throw it out”,then I just put it in the trash can and I feel better because then it’s like I forget about it so it’s gone and then the other papers I usually just keep for my little brother and I give him the papers so they’re out of sight out of mind.


  2. I think the other reason I keep them because I always say that my younger cousin may need help one day and I can assist them by using my old work, however, that time has come yet lol. I just need to say it’s okay and throw them all out.

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    1. Maybe have an extra hand or an extra voice. My mom is mine and I am hers. We tell each other “You don’t need it woman, throw it away”.

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